Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reflecting on 2011

2011 is drawing to close and it's that time of the year where many people reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the new year to come. I personally didn't ponder too much about the past year, although I have started on setting some New Years Resolution for 2012. I am going to do a post on resolutions after I finalized them shortly after the new year but first, I wanted to note my reflections on 2011:

Positive events/experiences/memories:
+discovery of blog world via reading/following and now starting my own
+awesome trip to New Orleans with great friends
+amazing week-long vacation with the boyfriend alone
+learning more about myself and working towards identifying my "passions" (thanks Crsie and Rob!)
+great culinary adventures with Daniel, August, and Amada being the most memorable
+unexpected promotion at work

Negative events/experiences/memories:
-unsuccessful attempt at CFA Level 2
-one of the most sedentary years thus far
-passing of my Grandma's sister/thought of losing loved ones

I'm sure this is not a complete list but these at the things that come to my mind at the moment - will revise as necessary.

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