Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Apartment

I wanted to save and share some photos of the co-op apartment Andrew and I are purchasing around the Gramercy/Flatiron/Kips Bay area in Manhattan, New York. We started apartment hunting the beginning of this year. In the beginning, going to open houses was fun and interesting, but by the time we saw 40-50 places, the excitement dissipated. Everything started to look the same and only the ones we liked stuck with us. We (and by we I really mean, I) found this apartment on Streeteasy and saw it at an open house hosted by the seller's friends. We automatically fell in love. However, we still continued our search as the price was slightly out of our budget. We found that we kept comparing everything else to this one. And after a few weeks of continuous search, we realized this apartment was the one and we can totally see our lives in it. Below are some photos from marketing:

 Entering into the foyer and overlooking living room

 Living area

 Dining area to the right of the foyer

 Compact Kitchen with small breakfast bar

 Oversized bedroom

 Bedroom again

Walk in closet <3


And a terrace! Can you believe it? It's huge - about 100 sq ft

Obviously the place will look a lot different with our own furniture and decor but I love how we don't really have to update or fix anything. It's in mint condition and we pretty much just have to bring a pillow and toothbrush!

We signed contracts last Wednesday and sellers signed over the weekend. By Monday, we were officially in contract! On Tuesday, I got an email update from Streeteasy (I have an account and had saved our apartment in one of the folders) indicating that this apartment was "In Contract". I had the biggest smile and had to forward it to Andrew. It was really happening...

Streeteasy: In Contract! (Sorry, had to blur out the private info!)

Everything felt pretty surreal, but it's slowly starting to sink in. I can't believe we're actually buying an apartment. Together. In the city. I'm really excited, but also scared at the same time, as this all comes at a hefty price tag. But we believe it will be worth it - I can't wait!


  1. i see myself living in there with you guys too! argh! so excited to sleep in the bathroom!! kkaka

    dude, you have to turn the comment moderator off. it's annoyingggggg!

  2. lol oh i didnt even know it was on! my bads. let me figure out how to turn it off.

  3. can't wait to partyyyy
