Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taiwan: TSMC & NYC (Day 10)

February 20, 2012

On our final day in Taiwan (Monday), we had most of the day there since our flight wasn't until the evening. We woke up and took a taxi to Andrew's dad's office, TSMC. He gave us a tour of the office building to show us where he spends most of his time in Taiwan (sadly, working too much!).

Andrew and dad in front of TSMC

TSMC Headquarters

After visiting the office, we had time for lunch before we had to go back and grab our luggage and head to the airport. We originally wanted to try a famous shop for beef noodle soup but unfortunately the shop was closed when we got there via shuttle bus. We ended up going with option #2, lunch buffet at Ambassador Hotel. The food was okay, pretty good for buffet but I think by now, I was pretty tired of the whole unlimited quantity concept.

Specially ordered ribs at buffet


Lunch buffet

After lunch, we headed back to the apartment and picked up our luggage and headed for the airport. I was pretty ready to come back, as I definitely had intense food overload over the past 10 days - felt like I gained 4000 lbs. The plane ride back was miserable as this baby kept crying and its fob parents took and had no control over them - so inconsiderate.

Overall, it was an awesome trip - there sure is a lot to eat and everything was phenomenal. Super thankful for Andrew's family and Diana for taking us around. It was wonderful meeting Andrew's family!

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