Sunday, April 1, 2012

Catching Up with Friends

This weekend, I spent a lot of time catching up with old friends. It felt really good to see how everyone was doing after so long. It's difficult now when everyone's so busy with their respective schedules so I do cherish these gatherings.

Friday after work, I went out for drinks at Josie's new job happy hour at Traffic. I am so incredibly happy for her that she is finally able to move back to NY and that everything is falling back into place for her. A big congrats to her!! You deserve it all!

After drinks, we headed over to Bonchon for some late night munchies (aka dinner!) - I haven't had Bonchon in so long and it was deeeeelish.

 Josie's happy hour at Traffic

Bonchon wings

On Saturday, Andrew went to play basketball as per usual and I went to Crate and Barrel to pick up an overdue wedding gift for my friend King who got married last year in LA. I know she enjoys cooking so I picked up a cute spice rack for her - hope she likes it! We met at New Green Bo for lunch and Andrew was an hour late (surprised?). We talked about things going on in our lives, what we will be doing in the next 1-2 years (they're going to move to LA), apartments (shared the news that Andrew and I are planning to buy), and of course our jobs. The last time I met up with King was in Jersey City where I visited her apartment near Grove Street and we went out for dinner at a local Thai restaurant. By the way, after having soup dumplings in Taiwan, the ones at New Green Bo are quite gross. Even Shanghai Garden would throw this place out of the park. I used to really like this place, but it really doesn't compare now that I've had my fair share of sampling soup dumplings. After lunch, Andrew and I went to SOHO to run some errands (mainly for me) and we ended up at Crate and Barrel again for some premature furniture shopping at Crate and Barrel. Haha, I know...we are jumping the gun but it was really fun. I can't wait to build this new home with him. Here were some pieces we liked:

Shelf - thinking of putting it right outside bedroom door

Dining shelf - thinking of putting it right next to dining table

Outdoor couch - thinking of putting it on the terrace

Of course everything here cost an arm and a leg, so we are just using these as inspiration for ideas. We may have to shop elsewhere for more price friendly alternatives. We went back to the apt to relax and nap. For dinner, Andrew, Dave and I went to Kunjip and ordered WAY too much food. It was delicious though. The boys were still craving dessert after a huge dinner so we picked up some ice cream on our way back and I baked them brownies to go with the ice cream. 

On Sunday, I forced myself to get out of bed to go to a 10am yoga class at St Marks with Christine. I was actually really glad she wanted to go because I was supposed to go on Saturday but obviously never made it there. My back's been really bothering me so I knew a yoga session would definitely do me some good. Thanks Christine for making me go! :) I really need more workout dates with her! After yoga, Christine and I walked to Chinatown to meet Fanny, Danny, Albert, Erica, Michelle, and Andrew for dimsum at Sunshine27 on Bowery to catch up because I haven't seen these guys in ...too long! We had a really good (not to mention super cheap!) food and played awesome catch up. It's always fun catching up with them. After dimsum, we picked up some Kung Fu tea and I finally got to try the "Aiyu" jelly which they call fig jelly here in the US that I didn't get to try in Taiwan!!

Dimsum at Sunshine 27

Kung Fu Tea - Kung Fu Bubble Latte and Fig Jelly Iced Tea

Albie being himself

The fig jelly tea was light and refreshing, but nothing to rave about. Andrew and I weren't crazy about the bubble latte either - way too sweet! Everyone split up do their respective things and Fanny and I went walking/shopping around SOHO. I left around 5pm to meet my family at my Grandma's house for dinner at Mulan in Flushing. We got out own private room and my whole family enjoyed the food and "upscale" Chinese dining.

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