Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy 5.5 Years

I haven't remembered a monthly anniversary in years. I counted our monthly anniversaries to about one year and then graduated to semiannual reminders until 2 years and now, it's an annually ordeal (probably more reasonable anyway). However, I made it a point to remind myself of the our 5.5 year anniversary this Friday 3/30. We have ups and downs like most couples, though I must admit, there are definitely a lot more ups than downs and I am so blessed for that (the downs are usually due to PMS and/or me being bored and picking fights out of nothing :P). Since I've started this blog for the purpose of documenting all the happy things in life, I figured I can at least dedicate one post on our history so I can re-read this when I am old with poor memory (already suffering from this!). He is definitely one of, if not the biggest, contributors to my happiness and I'm so thankful for him!

My first gift - message is uber sweet though a tad corny

Honeymoon phase - circa 2006

Happy 1 Month cupcakes

Happy 2 Month cookies - I wasn't kidding!

Our first trip - Paris and Luxembourg 2007

Happy 1 Year cake

Spring Fling - circa 2008

Binghamton days - so carefree

Spring Break! Costa Rica 2008


 Life post grad - Philly circa 2010
Climbing mountains at Mohonk

 Love singing...

Caribbean Cruise 2011

Taiwan 2012

I don't think the pictures do us justice on everything we've done together, but it still gives a good timeline overall. We are about to buy an apartment together and although I know we are ready for it, it still feels like a big step. I'm excited to see how everything will work out!

Happy 5.5 Years Baby! 

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