Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spiderman on Broadway

February 25, 2012

The weekend after Andrew and I came back from Taiwan, we had tickets to go see Spiderman on Broadway. I bought these tickets for him ahead of his birthday. I had no desire to see Spiderman particularly but I know Andrew would really like it since he loves his superheroes and cartoons. And most of all, he's been asking to go! He rarely has these requests so I immediately put it on our "must-do" list. NYC Go happened to have a Broadway sale (BOGO) so I jumped on it!

We enjoyed the show very much overall. It is definitely differentiated since this is the only broadway show with high-flying action. The visuals were definitely over the top - it's amazing how creative it was and impressive with how much they can do with so little space. The music on the other hand was mehhh but hey, you don't go watch spiderman for the music right?

My only other complaint was that the theater had the tiniest seats ever. We've seen a decent amount of Broadways and this theater (Foxwoods) is the most cramped - even for me, mind you I have shorter legs than most humans :P. Not going to lie, Andrew and I were still a bit jetlagged and felt pretty tired half way through. 

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