Sunday, March 25, 2012

Taiwan: Wen Wan Resort & Sun Moon Lake (Day 2)

February 12, 2012

We woke up really early from jetlag. We grabbed a quick bite from the breakfast joint next to Andrew's dad's apartment with an interesting note. We each got a ham and egg sandwich and hot soy bean milk to-go and ate on our bus ride to Sun Moon Lake.

Thanks for not peeing everywhere!!

Some bombass hot soy bean milk

Linsanity all over local newspapers. Andrew's doppelganger >;)

We took the HSR shuttle to HSR to a bus to get to Sun Moon Lake, the whole trip took about 3 hours. The weather couldn't have been better ; it was in the 70s and sunny but funny enough, you see everyone rocking their bubble jackets. Apparently Taiwanese people can really handle the heat (very hot and humid summers) but are very sensitive to the cold. To them 70s is chilly. Sun Moon Lake is a very popular Taiwan tourist destination as it offers amazing views of the crisp blue water and voluminous mountains.

Sun Moon Lake

Andrew's Dad had plans for us to stay at the Wen Wan Resort at Sun Moon Lake for a night since we were about 3 hours away from home. For $800USD a night, it offered amazing views and amenities; the automatic toilet itself was smarter than many humans I've encountered. Surely, all this came with a hefty price tag. Thanks to Andrew's Dad, we were able to enjoy the luxury of it all. 

Wen Wan Resort - where we stayed

Beautiful Sun Moon Lake - view from hotel

Hotel room

Complimentary sparkling vinegar

Passion Fruit at hotel lunch buffet

Wen Wan Resort Lunch Buffet

Guava smoothie

Hotel shower and hot spring with amazing views!

Hotel hot spring

Wen Wan Resort Dinner

1 of 8 course hotel dinner

Hotel lobby

After checking into the hotel, we did not leave the hotel and we spent the rest of the day checking out the amenities and awesome views of the Sun Moon Lake. We had lunch buffet in the hotel, where I tried passion fruit for the first time. It was basically all seeds (as pictured above) and I didn't even know how to eat it. I sucked on the juice, which was pretty sour, and spit out the seeds. However, the seeds are actually edible. After lunch, we lounged around and went to the jacuzzi at the pool level. For dinner, we had an 8 course dinner at the hotel restaurant. After dinner, we took a stroll around the hotel yard and took a hot spring bath in our room. So relaxing!


  1. baller...... dang! i so wish i went to sun moon lake with patrick and could have met you guys there earlier!!! what a shame.

  2. looks gorgeous. i almost want to go taiwan lol
