Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wishlist: TOMS

I just realized that I got a blister walking in my office heels today. Whenever I wear stockings, I tend to get blisters when wearing heels because my shoes are more loose than if I were to wear them barefoot. See, clamy feet are good for one thing at least! So, I think I'm going to jump on the TOMS bandwagon and shop for a pair. I think they are way overpriced for what they are made out of but I guess it makes me feel better since the company donates a pair to a child in need for each purchase. I was thinking of getting something different than what everyone and their mom has. It seems that Urban Outfitters carries them in more variations so I might have to check them out.

*Update* So I had plans to have dinner with Christine and her parents with Andrew on Friday night and Christine had wanted to go shop around before dinner. She wanted to hit up Urban Outfitters and I thought, what a coincidence! I know she never shops there so it came to me as quite a surprise. We did not leave empty handed ;) I picked up these as I had wanted a patterned pair:


  1. Your photos attached is bad.

  2. we should've taken a photo together!! matching TOMS. wooot lol

  3. hahaha well now that you have 2 pairs you better start wearing them!
